- အရင္ဆံုး လိုခ်င္တာေတြ backup ဆြဲ ထားၾက ေနာ္
- Samsung Galaxy 5 USB drivers (For 64bit, 32 version of Windows) – Download Here – For 32 Bit – For 64 Bit – This becomes important. I literally banged my head when my device didn’t connect to laptop. I had the wrong perception that Windows 7 will automatically set up the mobile phone for me. But it didn’t.
- ODIN Multi Downloader, EUROPA, ClockWork Mod For Galaxy 5, Google Apps and Custom ROM from MADTeam
- ဒီမွာေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါ ။ၿပီးရင္ zip ၿဖည္ ၿပီး ေအာက္က ခိုင္းတာဆက္လုပ္ပါ ။ – Download Here
– You don’t really need to know what and why all these things do. I’ll
be guiding you through. For now, just download all these files which
have been packed into a single .rar file for your convenience
- USB Cable using which you can connect your Samsung Galaxy to windows running computer.
- MicroSD card with free Space of at-least 1 GB – You’ll be needing this to backup the current version of ROM running on your galaxy, just to be on safe side and transferring the new Android Gingerbread version 2.3.7 to your device for automatic flashing!
- Fully charged galaxy phone.
- Make a full backup of your mobile phone including contacts, media, etc.
I hate reading and writing disclaimer. But because activities like
this can potentially break your device, It’s important that we clarify
some things before proceeding. Otherwise you’ll be up in a jiffy to grab
my neck and hold me responsible for anything that goes bad with your
device. So, it’s better to make some things clear. First, the files
you’ve downloaded above haven’t been developed by me or anyone here at
TechVorm, I have compiled them from trusted sources and the same has
worked for me. Second, although I’ll try to be explanatory about the
process but there are no guarantees. Shit happens. Third, Do not switch
off/reboot your mobile phone during this process. You’ll screw up
Phase I
- Turn off your Galaxy 5.
- Hold the Volume Down + Home + Power Button to put it in “Download Mode” (as shown below).
- Run ODIN Multi Downloader found in Galaxy 5 Prep Pack.
- Select EUROPA.ops in the OPS field.
- Select One Package and ClockworkMod-Galaxy5-v0.4.tar in the one package field.
- Now connect your phone to your computer via usb cable and wait for it to show up in ODIN (Under COM Port mapping).
- Once it shows click on “Start”.
Your mobile phone will now boot in Clockwork Recovery with a screen something similar to one shown below:
Phase II
- Using the D pad browse to “Mounts and storage”.
- Once in mounts and storage select “Mount USB Storage”. Your memory card will show up in your computer.
- Copy the “update-cm-7.1.0-RC1-MADTEAM-v1.6-signed.zip” file from Galaxy 5 Prep Pack to the memory card from your computer and safely remove/eject the memory.
- Now, on your mobile press the back button several times, till you reach the Clockwork recovery screen as shown above.
Phase III
- Browse to Wipe date/factory reset and select “yes” – This will revert your mobile to factory settings and delete all the data (But we have back up. Yay!).
- Browse to Wipe cache and select “yes”.
- Browse to Advanced –> Wipe dalvik cache and select “Yes”.
Phase IV
Now comes the stage where you put the custom ROM viz. Cyanogen Mod 7.1 which will put Android 2.3.7 in your Galaxy 5 I5503/I5500.- Browse to Install zip from SD card and select “Select zip from SD card”.
- Select the “update-cm-7.1.0-RC1-MADTEAM-v1.6-signed.zip” file that you copied to the memory card in Phase II.
- Initiate it by selecting “yes”.
- Once its done reboot your phone by selecting “Reboot system now” from the main menu.
Now, if your mobile phone reboots without any issue and shows the homescreen then you have successfully installed Android Gingerbread version 2.3.7 on your Samsung Galaxy 5. What you need to do now is install Android Market, Gmail and other Google apps. For that follow the below mentioned steps:
- Press the power button and select “reboot”.
- Now select “recovery”.
- You will be taken to Clockwork Recovery mode (as it did earlier).
- Go to “Mounts and Storage” and select “Mount USB storage”.
- Connect your device to computer and from your computer copy “Google Apps.zip” file to memory card.
- Safely remove/eject memory card from your computer.
- On your mobile, from the Clockwork recovery screen go to “Install zip from SD card” –> Select “zip from sd card” and select “Google Apps.zip” file.
- Now select “Yes”.
- Once the installtion is done, reboot your phone by selecting “Reboot system now” from the main menu.
That’s it! You have a Samsung Galaxy 5 with Android 2.3.7 version fully running in it…..
Enjoy the Android awesome and do share your views/queries via comment section below.
ခိုင္းတာေတြ လိုက္လုပ္ ရင္ အဆင္ ေၿပ ပါတယ္ ။အဆင္ မေၿပ ရင္ yeyintaung777@gmail.com ကို ေမးပို႔ ေမးႏိုင္ ပါတယ္ ။