- China Tablet Firmware
- HTC Fireware မ်ား
- Huawei Fireware မ်ား
- I phone Jaibreak
- I phone Fireware မ်ား
- Lenovo Firmware မ်ား
- Nokia
- Samsung ဖုန္း Fireware မ်ား
- Sony Ericsson ဖုန္း Fireware မ်ား
- Sony Xperia Firmware
- i Mobile Firmware မ်ား
- တရုတ္ဖုန္း Firmware မ်ား
- နည္းလမ္း
- ဖုန္း ဆိုင္ရာ ကြန္ၿပဴ တာ ေဆာ႕၀္
- ဗဟုသုတ
- သတင္း
- ၿမန္မာေဖာင္႔ ထည္႔ နည္း

Mobile House မန္ဘာ မ်ား ေက်းဇူး ၿပဳ ၿပီး www.mobilehouse.co.nr မွ တိုက္ ရိုက္ ၀င္ေပး ပါ ရန္ ႏွင္႔ အသစ္ တင္ သမွ် ကို သိရွိ ေစရန္
မွာ Like လုပ္ ေပး ၾက ပါ ....
မွာ Like လုပ္ ေပး ၾက ပါ ....
Root လုပ္နည္းမ်ား
- Acer root လုပ္နည္း
- Alcatel root လုပ္နည္း
- Android ဖုန္း root လုပ္နည္း
- HTC ဖုန္း root လုပ္နည္း
- Huawei ဖုန္း root လုပ္နည္း
- LG ဖုန္း root လုပ္နည္း
- Lenovo root လုပ္နည္း
- Motorola ဖုန္း root လုပ္နည္း
- Root Tool မ်ား
- Samsung ဖုန္း root လုပ္နည္း
- Sony Ericsson ဖုန္း root လုပ္ နည္း
- ZTE root လုပ္နည္း
- i mobile ဖုန္း root လုပ္နည္း မ်ား
- ၿမန္မာေဖာင္႔ ထည္႔ နည္း

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
How to - Restore stock Firmware on Huawei Ascend G300 U8818
Huawei G300 U8818 Firmware
WARNING - This will completely reset your phone and erase all data, custom rom and any custom recovery partition you have installed such as ClockWorkMod and replace it with Huawei Stock recovery etc. It will also remove any rooting on the phone and restore it to its unrooted state.
Step 1 - BACKUP everything
on your phone.
Step 2 - Download the stock
- U8818 V100R001C17B890 (China Unicom)
- U8818 V100R001C17B892(China Unicom)
- Ascend G300-U8818 (Android 4.0) V100R001C17B926(China Unicom)
(These are the only ones I have available at the moment
so you might need to pick the closest match for yours)
* - This may or may not be the correct country, I've
had to guess with some of the firmwares so if not it will probably be
close or a general/normal version.
Step 3 - Open the downloaded .zip file in WinRAR
or other archive manager.
Huawei U8850 – Firmware List
Huawei U8850 AKA Vision
U8850 V100R001CHNC00B243SP25(China channels) Android 2.3.5
Note: The (female subject Customised) firmware appears to be a
Chinese firmware that has more feminine ringtones, alerts and possibly
themes etc.
How to Install Root and Recovery on Huawei U9200 – Ascend P1
Huawei U9200 AKA Ascend P1
This method only works on firmware versions up to B110, if you have firmware versions B113 or B115 then head over here -
How to – Root Huawei Ascend P1 – U9200 B113 and B115
How to – Install Recovery on Huawei Ascend P1 – U9200 B113 and B115
Step 1 – Download Onekey_ROM_Ascendp1 Installer here and extract to your hard drives root (May not be necessary but in my experience can prevent problems).
(Please note this tool is not my work. All credit goes to Genokolar who is a brilliant Chinese developer)
Step 2 – Make sure you have the correct drivers for your handset installed, you can get them here if needed – Huawei USB Drivers
Step 3 – Enable USB Debugging, Settings>Developers Options
Step 4 – Run Onekey_ROM_Ascendp1.exe and press any key.
English Translation by me
Step 5 – Next select Option 1 or 2.
Option 1 – Flashes and wipes all the user data
Option 2 – Flashes without wiping the user data which can cause problems such as freezing and boot loops.
And English
(If your
phone isn’t connected properly, the correct drivers are not installed or
USB debugging is not switched on. You will see this screen)
Step 6 – Wait while the recovery image is installed, pressing any key when prompted.
Step 7 – Once the program has finished flashing your phone, you will see the screen below. Now use the recovery menu to flash update.zip from the SD Card and it will flash a rooted version of U9200 V100R001CHNC00B109 (Android 4.0)
Step 8 – Now you will need to flash gapps ICS pack from here or my mirror here, if you want to use Google Play.
Step 9 – Optionally there is a rooted version of U9200-1V100R001CHNC00B113 by lesong
Note: You will need to reflash the gapps package if you upgrade to this rom.
Also Note:
The recovery flashed with this is in Chinese, its ClockworkMod based so
should be easy enough to navigate around until an English language one
is available.
How to Root Huawei Ascend P1
How to – Root Huawei Ascend P1 – U9200 B113 and B115
Huawei U9200 AKA Ascend P1
WARNING: Rooting your phone invalidates your warranty.
Try this at your own risk, I am NOT responsible if you brick your phone.
This guide is for phones with firmware B113 and B115 (may work on others but not tested as far as I’m aware)
Step 1 - Download either the full pack here – b113_b115-root_u9200—__[Nixing] (Thanks to Nixing at XDA for this download. Password: ccc333) or just the tools here – b113 b115 root u9200[Nixing] Tools Only and extract to your desktop.Step 2 – Enable USB debugging on your phone – Settings -> Developer options -> USB debugging and plug it into your PC
Step 3 – Run hwadb.exe and let it finish.
Step 4 – Run ubl.exe and wait for it to finish.
Step 5 – Disconnect your phone from your PC and Reboot.
Step 6 – Check to see if Superuser has been installed on your phone.
Step 7 – If you find Superuser in your menu, Congratulations your phone is rooted
Step 8 – You will now need to install a custom recovery to make use of your newly rooted phone so head over here -
How to – Install Recovery on Huawei Ascend P1 – U9200 B113 and B115
for instructionsEnjoy.
How to Install Recovery on Huawei Ascend P1
How to – Install Recovery on Huawei Ascend P1 – U9200 B113 and B115
Huawei U9200 AKA Ascend P1
Try this at your own risk, I am NOT responsible if you brick your phone.
This is mainly for Huawei Ascend P1 U9200 with B113 or B115 firmware but will work on any version with the right recovery image
Step 1 – Download Android Control here (mirror) or here (XDA thread) and extract to a folder on your hard drive root (eg. c:\AndroidControl)Step 2 – Download one of these Recovery images -
recovery-new.img (the one included in Onekey)
recovery-off.img (the one that Onekey is based on)
cwm_touch_recovery_viva_beta.img (A new one which is in English
Note: As far as I know, the first two are both Chinese language but based on ClockWorkMod so should be easy enough to navigate around, the last one is a beta but is in English and uses the touchcreen to navigate rather than the volume and power keys
Step 3 – Put whichever image you choose into the AndroidControl folder ready to be flashed over.
Step 4 – Make sure USB Debugging is enabled on your phone and then switch it off. Hold volume down and power key (I think lol) to boot into download mode (phone should boot to logo and then stop) then plug it into your PC.
Step 5 – Open a command prompt and navigate to your Android Control folder, run the following command depending which one you chose.
fastboot flash recovery recovery-new.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery-off.img
fastboot flash recovery cwm_touch_recovery_viva_beta.img
Step 6 - Once finished type – ‘fastboot reboot’ to reboot your phone.
Step 7 – Turn off your phone once rebooted and then hold the volume up and power keys to boot into recovery.
Root HTC explorer
I decided to create a clean tutorial (as the method started with several
bugs and issues) for those who want to root their HTC explorer.
will be editing it as new improvements appear.
btw, this will NOT change anything in your phone, it just make root access possible, if you want overclock and ext-2/3/4 partitions posible look here once you finish rooting with this tutorial.
1. Install HTC Sync on your PC
you can download it from: www.htc.com/www/help/htc-explorer/#download
(needed so computer recognises commands)
2. Unlock your phone's bootloader
- Following the steps in www.htcdev.com/bootloader
Note: HTC Explorer isn´t listed as a working device yet but it has been tested and works perfectly. Choose "all other supported models" when selecting device.
3. Add a recovery
That will allow you to install .zip ROMs. You can access to it in the menu android phones have when booting the phone after removing-inserting the battery and pressing "volume down" and "power" buttons simultaneously. (Other phones have different button combinations).
- Download A310E Recovery.zip
- extract it in any window on your PC (ie: C:\HTC)
- run the recovery.bat with phone in fastboot mode (first option in the "3 android menu" ) and connected with usb.
Note: I edited the recovery.bat and removed any unnecessary commands so no errors occur
Done! You got the recovery installed if no errors, you can now install any compatible .zip ROM or app.
4. ROOT the device
- Place this Superuser.zip file somewhere in the microSD first.
- Go into Recovery mode ("volume down" + "power")
- install Superuser.zip with the option "install .zip from sd" from the recovery menu.
once rooted my advice is to install "link2sd". Excellent application after making a fat32 partition of your SD with programs like MiniTool partition wizard
It moves all applications directly to the SD when configuring it in automatic mode. (the entire application, not like the inbuilt phone option). See post # 9 for instructions.
will be editing it as new improvements appear.
btw, this will NOT change anything in your phone, it just make root access possible, if you want overclock and ext-2/3/4 partitions posible look here once you finish rooting with this tutorial.
1. Install HTC Sync on your PC
you can download it from: www.htc.com/www/help/htc-explorer/#download
(needed so computer recognises commands)
2. Unlock your phone's bootloader
- Following the steps in www.htcdev.com/bootloader
Note: HTC Explorer isn´t listed as a working device yet but it has been tested and works perfectly. Choose "all other supported models" when selecting device.
3. Add a recovery
That will allow you to install .zip ROMs. You can access to it in the menu android phones have when booting the phone after removing-inserting the battery and pressing "volume down" and "power" buttons simultaneously. (Other phones have different button combinations).
- Download A310E Recovery.zip
- extract it in any window on your PC (ie: C:\HTC)
- run the recovery.bat with phone in fastboot mode (first option in the "3 android menu" ) and connected with usb.
Note: I edited the recovery.bat and removed any unnecessary commands so no errors occur
Done! You got the recovery installed if no errors, you can now install any compatible .zip ROM or app.
4. ROOT the device
- Place this Superuser.zip file somewhere in the microSD first.
- Go into Recovery mode ("volume down" + "power")
- install Superuser.zip with the option "install .zip from sd" from the recovery menu.
Note: after rooting dont restore to factory setting if
you don´t want to end up in a bootloop, if this or similar happens the
only solution yet (fully functional) is installing this Asian rom or this Custom rom by me. Make a backup first and wipe cache and rom partition with the option in the recovery menu. With the Asian rom everything runs perfect with the disadvantage that only English and Chinese is available. You can modify the applications that come with it by removing and adding the ones you want before flashing it in recovery (open /system/app folder inside the zip and modify the system apps installed, just be careful not to eliminate necessary system apps). |
once rooted my advice is to install "link2sd". Excellent application after making a fat32 partition of your SD with programs like MiniTool partition wizard
It moves all applications directly to the SD when configuring it in automatic mode. (the entire application, not like the inbuilt phone option). See post # 9 for instructions.
Beginners Guide to Rooting
So you are thinking about rooting your Xperia device, are you? Following our guide's, you could have your device rooted within the hour and ready for the next stages.( Please read this article before you start anything in this section ).
Before you do anything in our rooted zone please note ( WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR DEVICES BY WHY OF ROOTING OR ANY OTHER IN THIS WEB SITE ) its your choosing to do so.
We'll it is recommended that you understand exactly what this means before you start as there could be complications and we would hate for anyone to turn their beloved smart phone into an expensive paper weight. Effectively what you are doing when unlocking your boot loader and modding is your phone is removing the Sony Ericsson or Sony software and running different software packages which can improve certain performances and features but then take away some official ones. For example, some custom roms will mean that Android Market will not recognize your phone as an Xperia device and downloading optimized games might become quite difficult. This is just a summary of the good and bad points, perhaps to help you make up your mind.
The good -
There is a lot of perks to rooting our device though. Unlocking certain features, new functionality and customizing Android like you probably hadn't even thought of. Some of tese in fact even sort out little things that I believe that Sony got wrong with the PLAY. Like the lack of internal memory for a start, with a rooted device you would be able to transfer all apps to your micro SD, keeping that internal memory free'd up for performance. You can overclock the processor to make it run faster, make that 1GHz restriction a run for its money. There is even a whole library of applications available on Android market for rooted only devices, think of it like a members only club. The greatest back up app 'Titanium' is there with a few others too.
The Bad
Loading custom roms could remove the cool Sony stuff like PS Pocket and the Xperia PLAY Launcher. You could find it harder to get hold of Xperia PLAY optimized games and even worse you could lose Crash Bandicoot. Even with the most popular custom Rom CyanogenMod, we have come across Xperia PLAY optimized games where the touch pads don't work and on Android Market games that should do are not available for yoru device. Mainly this is because your Xperia PLAY has lost its identity so to speak. When browsing Market the PLAY usually sends a signal sayign what hardware it is, with some custom software it could look more like a genric Android device. This is where you will find Stock ROMs probably better. These are just slightly modified versions of Sony Ericsson stock software with all of the original apps and functionality, but with the option to have a customizable Kenel and acces to the super user functions. You won't be able to update your handset to the latest software using Sony Ericsson software either, you will have to wait for someone to make a customized version of it, If you try to update via sony ericsson you could brick your divice.The Broken
The reality is, by loading custom roms and Kernels, there is every change you will brick your phone. What does that mean? Well your phone is as useless as a brick. This is when the operating system becomes corrupt and nothing works, thus your Xperia PLAY is nothign more than hardware. This is usually the result of neglegance as opposed to experimental attitudes. Disconnecting your PLAY from USB whilst it is in the process of loading software, that is asking for trouble, so dont do it! That is the worst case scenario mind you. If that happens you won't be able to get it repaired or replaced by Sony Ericsson because you would have voided your Warranty when you unlocked the bootloader.What do you think?
The important thing to remember is the Xperia PLAY is a gaming device not some generic Android touch screen but the worlds greatest open source games console. I would only recommend that if you are tempted to start joining the expanding world of moded DROIDs that you are atleast good with computers and file formats. If you don't know how to install a non Market application for example, then you don't have a chance with this stuff. But if you do fancy giving it a go, we have written some step by step tutorials and advice to help guide you through your baby steps of the modified world of Android.Getting Started
There is several different stages to rooting your device and sever different ways to customise the original software. First you can unlock your bootloader, which gives you then the ability to load customised Kernels, Roms and Tweaks. This stage will void your warranty with Sony Ericsson, they are more than keen for developers and users to run altered software but they can't guarantee the quality and the results it will have on your hardware. For example, if you overclock your device to higher speeds, it could melt your processor (that would be fun to see). Below is just an explanantion of a few terminologies.if this sounds too much for you there are new ways to root and semi mod your device for leaving your bootloader locked but you are restricted on what you can do. Please read through article's first to find out if that mod is compatible with your locked bootloaders just in case.
Kernel - the kernal programs are like the brains of your phone, they control booting up, operating systems (os), programs and hardware. Sonys stock software will have them built in but some custom roms will need you to install one to install and run custom roms.
Stock Rom - Stock roms are offical Sony operating systems (os) software that come preinstalled on any out of the box sony ericsson mobile phone handset
Custom Rom - Custom roms are unoffical alternate operating systems (os) software made from other different devolpers for your sony ericsson mobile phone handsets.
Tweaks - Are add on programs for stock or custom operating systems (os) such as system apps and system settings.
Rooted Apps - rooted apps are application programs which need root access to be able to work and run on your mobile phone handsets.
Bricked Device - If you can image your phone being a brick, that is it. This is when your device has been screwed to bits software wise and will no longer function. On the rare occasion, it can be saved by flashing it but that is rare. When modding and customising with unofficial software for the play, this is always a possibility.
Flashtool - Flashtool is a program on your personal computers made for installing or flashing stock sony ericsson software plus other advanced tweeks to you sony ericsson xperia mobile phone handsets.
Bootloader - the key to properly modding this is a lock on your phone that sony ericsson has put on there to prevent you from modding you will need this unlocked to be able to do most of whats in our mod section see are guide for more info.
Fastboot - Fastboot is a program or (command line tool) on your personal computers for unlocking bootloaders, and for flashing or installing kernals (img files) and other types of software (img files) on you sony ericsson mobile phone handsets.
Super User App - this app you will get preinstalled on your system when you root your mobile phone handsets to give you the ability to grant super user (root access) to other mobile phone applications (programs).
Nandroid Back Up - Most accurate form of back up for Android. Inside the recovery mode of the Kernel, you can do a back up which backs up EVERYTHING!!!! Unlike apps from market whcih back up personal content, settings and apps themselves. The Nandroid back up, duplicates the entire code to your memory card. So when you restore everything is how it was before.
FlashTool သြင္းနည္း နဲ႔ သံုးနည္း
You are following these tutorials at your own risk, we do not take any responsibility for errors
Flashtool is a flashing software that can be used to :
Screenshot |
How to install, use and flash stock software + more with flashtool
Download the latest version of flashtool here
Flashtool is a pc program a bit like sonys pc updater except you can flash with abit more choice. you can use this program for flashing any stock offical sony ericsson software (FTF named files direct from sony ericsson offical flashing computer code named EMMA ) to all the 2011 sony ericsson range and some of Sonys 2012 range devices providing its the right software for the right device to do this your phone does not need to be unlocked in any way. It also enables you to flash any including previous versions of sony software over the version you have, you can flash these over custom roms too.
You are following these tutorials at your own risk, we do not take any responsibility for errors
Things you can do with this programwarning
1) flash any sony ericsson firmware (FTF files)2) flash sony ericsson offical kernals (SIN files) without flashing hole firmware
3) flash different basebands (FTF files)
4) install different system apps along with firmware's
5) auto root your device
6) unbrick your device ( depends on the state of your handset damage )
7) relock your bootloaders
8) and more
fastboot mode
1) flash custom kernals (boot.IMG files)2) flash system images (system.IMG files)
3) and more
installation of flashtool
- Windows version :
- Install the full install Flashtool latest package
- Apply the latest update (each update is cumulative)
Updates will not install if full latest package is not installed
- Linux version :
- Unpack the tar.7z package
- Check that libusb-1.0 is installed. On 64bits system, both 64bit and 32bit should be installed.
- Add these rules to /etc/udev :
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0fce", SYSFS{idProduct}=="*", MODE="0777"