ဒီနည္း ကေတာ႔ Motorola ဖုန္း android version 2.3.4 နဲ႔ ေအာက္ မွာအဆင္ေၿပပါတယ္ ။
ေအာက္ က ဖုန္းေတြ ကေတာ႔ စမ္းသပ္ၿပီး ဖုန္းေတြပါ ။
How To Root: One-Click for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008
How To Root: One-Click for Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server
Please try the Windows Vista/7 method first! It will work better for most Windows XP users.
Only use this method if the other has not worked yet.

အဆင္ေၿပၾကပါေစ .....
ေအာက္ က ဖုန္းေတြ ကေတာ႔ စမ္းသပ္ၿပီး ဖုန္းေတြပါ ။
- Motorola Cliq
- Motorola Cliq 2
- Motorola DROID (although there are better methods since this is a Google experience device)
- Motorola DROID 2 Global
- Motorola DROID 3
- Motorola DROID Bionic
- Motorola DROID Pro
- Motorola DROID X (click for special notes)
- Motorola DROID X2
How To Root: One-Click for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008
- Your phone must be connected via USB data cable to your computer and recognized.
- If your phone is connected, but not recognized, you may need to install one of these software drivers:
- Windows universal 32-bit Motorola drivers version 5.2.0
- Windows universal 64-bit Motorola drivers version 5.2.0
- Download this one-click root package: PetesMotorolaRootTools_v1.07.zip
- Extract the contents of the one-click root package to a new folder on your computer.
- Make sure USB Debugging is enabled on your device. This should be under Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging.
- From the new folder on your computer, double-click on Pete's Motorola Root Tools to begin the root process.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the root process.
How To Root: One-Click for Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server
Please try the Windows Vista/7 method first! It will work better for most Windows XP users.
Only use this method if the other has not worked yet.
- Your phone must be connected via USB data cable to your computer and recognized.
- If your phone is connected, but not recognized, you may need to install one of these software drivers:
- Windows universal 32-bit Motorola drivers version 5.2.0
- Windows universal 64-bit Motorola drivers version 5.2.0
- Download this one-click root package: http://www.mediafire.com/?pj5lk8u2s0zhqo8
- Extract the contents of the one-click root package to a new folder on your computer.
- Make sure USB Debugging is enabled on your device. This should be under Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging.
- From the new folder on your computer, double-click on Click to root your DROID 3 to begin the root process.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the root process.
အဆင္ေၿပၾကပါေစ .....